The Dream Act Essay Words 3 Pages The Dream Act and the Affects It Has on Undocumented Present/Future College Students The Dream act is a piece of Legislative proposal passed on August 15th, Essay on Dream Act Living The American Dream Act. Many young adults do not have to worry about deportation from the only country they have Essay on The DREAM Act: A Better Life. They are given no choice, but to live their life as an undocumented immigrant. We affirm for three main reasons. 1) The DREAM act is a positive action. 2) The people affected by the DREAM act are a special class of immigrants and 3) US intelligence will also benefit. Contention 1) Everyone will benefit from the DREAM Act. Adopting the Dream Act not only benefits immigrants through education, but is more productive blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins
The DREAM Act Issues - Words | Essay Example
The DREAM Act will not excuse an individual for breaking the law; it will provide a minor who unknowingly broke the law at the hands of their parents with an opportunity to earn U. History of the DREAM Act Before we can address the legislative background and the overall benefits this bill will have for the American people, I think it is important to understand the conditions in which the DREAM Act was formed. Then suddenly around age 16 your parents break the news and tell you that you are not an American citizen.
You discover that your parents came to the United States illegally when you were a child and you realize that by being in the U. illegally, you are now breaking the law as well.
If you leave the U. Unless you fall in love and marry another U. citizenship status. Is this fair or just? The Requirements The DREAM Act was formed for these very reasons.
It will enable individuals like this with a chance to become something great and help support our great nation. Some people believe that the DREAM Act will provide these individuals with amnesty by handing out a free ticket to U.
However, in reality the DREAM Act will not guarantee U. Military during a ten year probationary period. At the end of the dream act essay ten year period an individual can then obtain permanent residential status as long as they have either served two years in the U.
Military without having received a dishonorable discharge, earned a two or four year college degree or completed at least two years of college toward a degree with good standing Hoffman, The DREAM Act also has well defined requirements that must be met before an individual can be considered eligible under the bill. Individuals must have entered the U. when they were under the age of 16, have lived in the country for 5 consecutive years, graduated from a U.
high school or obtained a GED, display good moral character and pass an extensive background check, which shows no record of arrests and prosecution Palacios, Legislative Background According to an a recent article written in the Congressional Digestthe DREAM Act was first introduced back in by Richard Durbin, a.
Democratic Senator from Illinois. A similar bill was also introduced around the same time by a Republican State Representative in Florida by the name of Lincoln Diaz-Balart.
This provision has caused a road block for several undocumented students. It has prevented them from furthering their education and becoming an innovative member of the U. workforce that our country so desperately needs in order to stay competitive in our global economy Legislative Background on the DREAM The dream act essay, Since the bill was first drafted inthere have been several revisions and appeals to congresses decision to prevent the bill from passing into law.
The latest version of the bill, S. Under this most recent revision, the conditional period was changed from six to ten years to help gain Republican support Hoffman, The bill was presented and passed by the U.
House of Representatives on December 9, Barker, Then it went before the Senate on December 18, The bill received fifty-five of the sixty required votes.
A mere five votes prevented the bill from being signed into law by the President. The fallout was a huge disappointment for several people including President Obama Rodriguez, President Obama was so disappointed in fact that the dream act essay brought national attention to this issue again on January 25, during his state of the union address. In his own words he described his support as follows: Today, there are hundreds of thousands of students excelling in our schools who are not American citizens.
Some are the children ofundocumented workers, who had nothing to do with the actions of their parents. They grew up as Americans and pledge allegiance to our flag, and yet they live every day with the threat of deportation.
Others come here from abroad to study in our colleges and universities. But as soon as they obtain advanced degrees, we send them back home to compete against us.
It makes no sense. Now, I strongly believe that we should the dream act essay on, once and for all, the issue of illegal immigration, the dream act essay.
And I am prepared to work with Republicans and Democrats to the dream act essay our borders, enforce our laws and address the millions of undocumented workers who are now living in the shadows.
I know that debate will be difficult. I know it will take time. By allowing these bright and talented individuals to receive a college education or serve in the U. armed forces as a pathway to earn citizenship, we will have created an unprecedented incentive for these individuals to live up to their fullest potential.
These Dreamers, the dream act essay, as they have begun to refer to themselves as, will stimulate the economy in several ways. According to a 7 year study conducted by Pew Hispanic Center the approximate number of high school graduates that are prevented from furthering their education or serving in the U.
S military due to their undocumented status is estimated at an astonishing 65, per year. In addition to this study, a more current study was conducted by the Migration Policy Institute that estimates overall; approximately 2, the dream act essay. However, only aboutout of the 2. million would be likely to satisfy all of the requirements clearly documented in the proposed bill [ Hoffman, ].
One way the Dreamers will improve the U. economy is by increasing taxable income, the dream act essay. They will be required to pay state and federal income taxes, just like the every other legal resident of the U.
Another way the Dreamers will improve the U. economy is by increasing our market strength in the global economy. Once the law is enacted, the U. is expected to have the most college graduates in the world by [ Locke, ]. We must take into consider the fact that it was immigrants that came to the U. and started up large corporations, such as Pfizer, DuPont, Google, Procter and Gamble and Intel, which employ millions of Americans [ Locke, ].
would be today without companies like these. Even harder to project is the endless possibilities the U. stands to receive from the investment of these 65, undocumented youth per the dream act essay by allowing them to further their education or serve in the military and reach their fullest potential.
Furthermore, it will provide the Department of Homeland Security with additional resources by allowing them to focus more of their time, energy and money on finding the undocumented individuals that are committing serious crimes that are a true threat in our communities [ Miranda, ], the dream act essay.
Opposing Views As a result of not passing the DREAM Act, some Americans may feel as though they have found a way to prevent illegal immigrants from taking away another job from a U. It is also important to take into consideration the dream act essay number of U. workers that have been put out of work due to company outsourcing, which has become a necessity for many American businesses in recent years.
Several manufacturers have moved their facilities to Mexico or other neighboring countries in efforts to lower their overhead cost just to stay in business, the dream act essay. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Free essay samples Dream The Dream Act. The The dream act essay Act 3 March Hire verified writer, the dream act essay.
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blogger.com Opinion: Congress must pass the DREAM Act
, time: 3:40DREAM Act Essay - Words | Cram

A new Dream act is needed because the Dream Act of has been in subcommittees since July, (“The Dream Act,” ). The policy proposed is the merit-based Dream Act of , a mixed policy model with the incremental model The DREAM act has been widely debated upon immigration policy, being either the subject of discussion or action. This policy was independently administered by the department of Homeland security. The DHS secretary, Janet Napolitano released a memorandum ordering DHS to defer the deportation process temporarily, for individuals described by the DREAM Act. The We affirm for three main reasons. 1) The DREAM act is a positive action. 2) The people affected by the DREAM act are a special class of immigrants and 3) US intelligence will also benefit. Contention 1) Everyone will benefit from the DREAM Act. Adopting the Dream Act not only benefits immigrants through education, but is more productive blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins
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