10/12/ · Student life the most memorable phase of every person’s life. It is the phase in which the whole foundation of a person’s life is laid upon. A student phase in every person’s life is such that they do not only learn from books. It is the phase when one grows emotionally, philosophically, physically and socially as well 22/10/ · It means that student life is a life of learning. For the first time a person, either a girl or a boy prepares for the difficulties in the life. The atmosphere of this life is hardened. This life learns good manners and blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins 12/8/ · The student life – The student life is the most important life of every social being. It is the period of learning something new about the about the world, it is also said the golden periods of time. Student life is the starting phase that every learners are so excited and energetic to learn the new things in school life
Student Life is Golden Life Essay for Children | PDF Download
Essay on Student life Short note on Student Life Paragraph on Student Life Article on Student Life. It is the phase when one grows emotionally, philosophically, physically and socially as well. The first learning that every student obtains is from home.
And in unaltered situations, mother is the first teacher. Once a student is admitted to school, their role models keep changing with time and situations. Friends become an important factor too. The type of company effects very much during those immature years.
Teachers and friends inspire a lot. Whatever impression those innocent minds draw, the same is reflected back. Slowly as we grow up from that stage we learn more about our choices and ourselves too. We become choosy of our company and our thinking about friendship also changes a bit.
Essay of student life choose friends with whom we can share our feelings and we expect a reciprocate behavior too, essay of student life.
As we grow up, there is a teenage phase in between. It is the most crucial point of our life. We begin to feel ourselves growing up and there are a lot of things that pushes and pulls us in many directions, essay of student life. Friends, careers, future, etc all have to be kept in mind.
Parental expectations are also soaring high during that time. Student life is such that if handled carefully, we can enjoy and also learn essay of student life that is essential for a good future.
It is a time to build ourselves. But some students fails to maintain a balance between everything and thus spoils their precious years. That is why every student must learn to be punctual and disciplined. Everything has a time and sometimes it is necessary to give complete time to one or other aspect of student life. Study is the main purpose and others should be maintained only at the side, essay of student life. If a student have to sacrifice comfort and enjoyment for that, they should do it happily because if the future is good then all enjoyments will follow automatically.
In the past a child used to go to gurukul after they pass the age of years. Even until the last generation before the present, the custom of every household to send their children to school was after they cross the initial 5 years at home.
They used to get a plenty of time for home schooling at the initial point and concomitantly they used to get enough chances of enjoying their play years too.
But times have changed. And it is the demand of time that children are to be sent at school or playhouse as soon as they are able to lisp a few words. These human form of machine will get life only if they get a good guidance from parents, essay of student life.
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Essay on Student Life in English
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12/8/ · The student life – The student life is the most important life of every social being. It is the period of learning something new about the about the world, it is also said the golden periods of time. Student life is the starting phase that every learners are so excited and energetic to learn the new things in school life 22/10/ · It means that student life is a life of learning. For the first time a person, either a girl or a boy prepares for the difficulties in the life. The atmosphere of this life is hardened. This life learns good manners and blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins 11/6/ · Student life is a life of cultivation and penance. This period is concentrated, studied, and contemplated. It is time to keep yourself away from worldly distractions. For students, this life is a golden opportunity to provide a solid foundation for their future blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
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