Thursday, May 20, 2021

If i were a president essay

If i were a president essay

if i were a president essay

If I were the president, I would ensure that citizens get access to all the necessary amenities, including medical care and learning facilities. For instance, providing affordable insurance covers is a way of enabling accessibility to medical care. This is because all citizens are free to seek medical attention whenever the need arises Essay on “If I were the President” ( Words) Many of us have some aspirations and wishes for our country that we desire to fulfill and some changes to bring about, but we feel that we have little say in getting those things done. This is because of our limited power as citizens of the blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins If I were President essaysIf I were president I would strive to accomplish these three major things. First, I would strengthen our educational system, second, I would make certain that everyone has equal and fair treatment in our society, and lastly, I would secure our borders. Our education system

If I Were a President for One Day - Term Paper

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. The President is also the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of India. The President is elected by an electoral college composed of elected members of the parliament houses, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, and also members of the Vidhan Sabha, the state legislative assemblies.

The post was established when India was declared as a republic with the adoption of the Indian constitution, if i were a president essay. Varahagiri Venkata Giri became Acting President of India in following the death started a newspaper called 'The Indian Opinion'. The paper became an organ to give information about the struggle. Mahatma Gandhi stayed on in South If i were a president essay for nearly 21 years to fight against racial discrimination against Indian settlers, if i were a president essay.

He propagated the concept of Satyagraha satya means truth and agraha firmness. It was the use of 'Soul-Force' against 'Brute-Force' or violence. He trained men, women and children as volunteers. He called his band a 'Peace Brigade'. He won his battle when, finally, the South African Government gave in to his demands. Gandhi now became a world-renowned person. He soon earned the title of 'Mahatma' maha means great and atma means soul among Indians all over the world.

Gandhiji came back to India in and built an ashram on the banks of the Sabaramati river near Ahmadabad. It was called 'Satyagraha Ashram'. The way of life that he practised there was known as 'Sarvodaya' the well-being of all.

He fought peacefully for many causes and succeeded in persuading the government to abolish many abuses against labourers in Bihar, the Kaira peasants in Gujarat, etc Geography - Spectrum 3.

Indian Polity - Constitution of India by Bakshi 4. Indian Economy - Plus One, Plus Two Books, Pratiyogita Darpan 5. General Science - Tata Mc Graw Hill Guide 6. Mental Ability - Quantitative Apitude by R. Aggarwal 7. Current Affairs - Some magazines and Newspapersi. Frontline iii. Civil Service Chronicle iv. Chanakya v. Competition WIZARD vi. Civil Services Today8. Tata Mc Graw Hill 2. Spectrum if i were a president essay. Khullar : India - A Comprehnsive Geography Charles Farro : General Principles of World Geography Charles Farro : Monsoon Asia Reports published by Centre for Science and Enviornment And Tata Energy i think india in will be very popular place for its historical and mysterical things that can amze any scientist,historian,archeologist,geographers NEW DELHI: India will be world's third largest economy by but its energy demand will slow down to 4.

There if i were a president essay be "no surge in energy demand as India industrialises. Demand growth slows to 4. in as improvements in energy efficiency partly offset the energy needs of industrialisation and infrastructure expansion. The nation will be 40 per cent dependent on imports to meet its coal needs. He said India remains on a lower path of energy intensity; by it consumes only about half the energy that China consumes today, if i were a president essay, at a similar income per capita level as in China today.

Over the next 20 years China and India combined account for Allen What Would I Do If I Were President When it comes to being the President of the United States, it is THE most important and stressful job you could have. The fate of the country is in your hands. Of course you have the help of others like your cabinet, the House of Representatives, and congress, but in reality as the presidentif i were a president essay, you are blamed for any problems that the country faces.

You are the face of what the country undergoes, and there are so many pressures placed in the shoulders of the president. If I were the President of the United States, there are a few problems that are most important to me that I would focus on fixing, if i were a president essay.

I would focus on these particular problems facing the country today; in no particular order terrorism, healthcare, and education. To begin, terrorism is one of the oldest ongoing problems that the country has had to face.

I am not completely sure that we will ever be able to eliminate all terrorism to the United States but it is better to try our best than to let other countries run over us. As presidentI would make sure that any threats placed on the United States will be returned to the intimidator. We have allowed ourselves to be pushed around and bullied for The President is the formal head of the executive, legislature and judiciary of India and is the commander-in-chief of the Indian Armed Forces.

The President is indirectly elected by the people through elected members of the Parliament of India Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha as well as of thestate legislatures Vidhan Sabhas and Vidhan Parishads and serves for a term of five years. Historically, ruling party majority in the Lok Sabha nominees for example, United Progressive Alliance nominee Shri Pranab Mukherjee have been elected or largely elected unanimously. Incumbent presidents are permitted to stand for re-election.

A formula is used to allocate votes so there is a The biggest concern of my administration is our foreign and domestic policy issues. Let me take the time to familiarize the American people with our policies and where we stand today with them. I want to assure the American people that my administration is doing the utmost best in resolving these issues.

We will all have to make small sacrifices in order to take a giant step forward. One of those sacrifices of course was the passing on of my predecessor John F. Kennedy, lets take the moment to honor a great man and leader. We also have to reflect on one of our greatest achievements for the decade, which involves the successful mission of Apollo 11 touching down on the moon and Neil Armstrong taking the first step on the surface, Unites States greatest achievement.

Domestic Policy Topic Civil Rights Our first order of business tonight is to discuss some growing issues within our borders. One of the problems If i were a president essay will be discussing is Civil Rights in regards to segregation in this country, if i were a president essay. Let me define exactly what civil rights and segregation are. Civil Rights in the simplest terms are the right for all to be equal.

It is also the right for all to be eligible to receive the same rights and respect as others. Segregation is the physical action or President If all wishes were horses, then I would wish to be the president of the United States of America. My wishes to be the United States president are not self-centered but are based on the need to make America a better place for generations to come.

In the eyes of the world we are limitless but, I believe there are things that are if i were a president essay to change to reflect the fame and superiority associated with America in the eyes of the world.

If I was presidentI would strive to accomplish three major issues. To begin with, to ensure food security, I admit that a government that is not able to feed its citizens has no reason to be in power. Food security is a situation where all people, at all times, have physical and financial access to safe and healthy food to meet their needs and food preferences for an energetic strong life. A healthy nation is important in a supportable if i were a president essay since a nation cannot develop when the citizens continuously suffer from different illnesses.

There is a need for a targeted food security intervention, including food support in the form of direct food relief, food stamps, and indirectly through funded food production. Most farmers in the rural areas are poor and cannot manage to obtain heavy machines for better productions. As the president I strive for the Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays If I Would Be the President If I Would Be the President of India Topics: IndiaPovertyDowry Pages: 2 words Published: April 8, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document.

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If I were President essays

if i were a president essay

Mar 19,  · If I were to become President of the United States of America I would change some things that are hurting America and keep other stuff that are helping our country become stronger. The central points that I would focus on would be the military, the Theme: If I were a president for one day If I were a president for one day I would be very honored. Only the idea of me being a president gets me excited and happy. PRESIDENT – this word means a lot, it’s a huge responsibility and it doesn’t just mean to stand on the stage, give a speech and then go back to your big luxurious house and sit there all day Apr 08,  · If I were the President of the United States, there are a few problems that are most important to me that I would focus on fixing. I would focus on these particular problems facing the country today; (in no particular order) terrorism, healthcare, and education

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