Thursday, May 20, 2021

Genetically modified food pros and cons essay

Genetically modified food pros and cons essay

genetically modified food pros and cons essay

20/3/ · A Genetically Modified food is crop plant modified in a laboratory using molecular biology techniques with the goal of producing an organism with specific traits for various reasons. It is therefore only logical, given its nature that such a practice would both raise some serious ethical and moral questions as well as propose very viable solutions to chronic problems the world faces today.5/5(13) 1/8/ · Genetically modified foods are unlikely to present direct risks to human health. There are two main areas of concern:a)The possibility of allergic reactions to genetically modified foods, andb)The possibility that bacteria living in the human gut may acquire resistance to antibiotics from marker genes present in transgenic blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Pros and Cons of genetically modified food, or GMOs Genetically modified foods are a types of foods that have been genetically changed, to add or get rid of an unwanted trait in a food. For example, seedless oranges. This is a type of orange that is genetically modified (had tits genes changed) specifically so it would grow without seeds

Genetically Modified Organisms: Pros and Cons | Free Essay Example

Genetically modified organisms are organisms that are created after combining DNA from a different species into an organism to come up with a transgenic organism McDonagh 8. The controversy surrounding the development and genetically modified food pros and cons essay of GMOs has been ongoing for years now. The development of genetically engineered organisms brings about a lot of benefits related to improved food production and food security in the globe.

Nevertheless, there are fears about the safety of the technology given that it involves making organisms that have foreign genes. GMOs hold the solution to the increasing problem of food insecurity in the globe by creating high yielding, highly nutritious, and drought and pesticide resistant foods.

Research has proven that food genetically modified food pros and cons essay increases immensely by adopting the growth of GMOs because the genetically engineered organisms are able to withstand harsh weather conditions and resist pests and diseases that reduce yields. Crops such as Bt cotton and soybeans have been genetically modified to resist pests Coghlan Genetically engineered plants that can grow in poor soil conditions have been developed, genetically modified food pros and cons essay, thus increasing the amount of arable land and farm yields.

Scientists are able to use genetic engineering to improve the nutritional value of crops and animal products. This is a significant step in solving the problem of malnutrition. Moreover, scientists in the field of genetic engineering have seen the possibility of producing veterinary vaccines from transgenic alfalfa plants Dus Santos and Wigdorovitz Farmers can now store their produce longer without spoilage because scientists have developed crops that are withstanding spoilage longer.

It is interesting to know that most GMOs have been found to be safe for human consumption Coghlan This forms the basis for encouraging the use of GMOs to tackle the long-standing food insecurity issue, genetically modified food pros and cons essay. As much as GMOs seem to be the ultimate solution to the food shortage in the globe, the risks that come with the technology are enough to discourage the use of GMOs.

Moreover, studies have proven that GMOs introduce novel allergens to the natural foods. A perfect example is the case of GM soybeans that almost killed people who were allergic to nut protein in Brazil Chetty and Viljoen Herbicide resistant weeds have also cropped up as a result of engineering plants genetically.

Safety of consuming GMOs is also not guaranteed given that substantial tests have not been done to prove their safety. The progress made by scientists in the field of genetic engineering of plants and animals in the search for a solution to food insecurity cannot be underestimated. It is no doubt that GMOs have increased food production and enhanced nutrition through the production of fortified foods.

Nevertheless, risks and uncertainties about the safety of GMOs on the environment and humans cannot be ignored. The fact that substantial tests have not been conducted to guarantee the safety of GMOs is worrying enough to call for caution when developing and using GMOs. Scientists and governments should go beyond labelling GMO foods to conducting further research to ascertain the safety of GMOs and develop foods that are risk-free to the environment and the consumers.

Chetty, Lukeshni, and Denis C. Coghlan, Andy. Dus Santos, María José, and Andrés Wigdorovitz. McDonagh, Sean, genetically modified food pros and cons essay.

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Genetically Modified Seeds Pros and Cons E-Learning Video

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Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods - HRF

genetically modified food pros and cons essay

26/5/ · Research has proven that food production increases immensely by adopting the growth of GMOs because the genetically engineered organisms are able to withstand harsh weather conditions and resist pests and diseases that reduce yields. Crops such as Bt cotton and soybeans have been genetically modified to resist pests (Coghlan 10) 20/3/ · A Genetically Modified food is crop plant modified in a laboratory using molecular biology techniques with the goal of producing an organism with specific traits for various reasons. It is therefore only logical, given its nature that such a practice would both raise some serious ethical and moral questions as well as propose very viable solutions to chronic problems the world faces today.5/5(13) Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods There is a great debate going on right now on the subject of genetically modified foods, or GMOs. For some, the idea of GMO food is a good one because the modifications allow crops to become resistant to drought and infestations, letting more people have more regular blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

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