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Evaluative essay examples

Evaluative essay examples

evaluative essay examples

23/1/ · Self Evaluation Essay Sample; Student Self- Evaluation Essay; Humanities Project Evaluation Essay; Essay Evaluation Rubric; Evaluation Essay Grading Sheet; As you can see, you can also assess yourself based on certain criteria in order to know your progress and areas for improvement. Usually, the writer is given a set of criteria to base his or her evaluation An evaluative essay generally speaking, is an individual evaluation which contains an abstract view with providing a justification. For example you watch a movie and then you are asked to evaluate it on the basis of your exposition. The interesting fact about an 12/7/ · An evaluation essay is a composition that offers value judgments about a particular subject according to a set of criteria. Also called evaluative writing, evaluative essay or report, and critical evaluation essay

Evaluative Essay: Examples, Format & Characteristics - English Class [ Video] |

Kelly earned her Master of Mass Communication from Arizona State and has taught consumer behavior and communication courses at the undergraduate level, evaluative essay examples. It's Friday night and you and your best friend, Gina, have plans to see a new movie. The only thing is, you can't decide between two evaluative essay examples just came out: Love, evaluative essay examples, Specificallya lighthearted, romantic comedy, evaluative essay examples, or The Mountains Have Earsa new, evaluative essay examples, evaluative essay examples independent film thriller.

You're kind of in the mood to laugh, but Gina thinks a scary movie would be fun. Since you two can't seem to come to an agreement, you call your friend Samantha, a movie buff who's already seen both of them. Samantha tells you she thought Love, Specifically was good and you should go see that one. Gina, evaluative essay examples, still wanting a good scare, asks her what was so much better about Love, Specifically compared to The Mountains Have Ears. Samantha's response would be frustrating to most people.

If only she'd learned the essential components to an evaluative essay - then she'd be able to give a better explanation of why Love, Specifically was her favorite. You see, an evaluative essay is basically a review of something. As the name suggests, the evaluative essay presents a value judgment based on a set of criteria. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84, lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you succeed, evaluative essay examples.

Get unlimited access to over 84, lessons. Already registered? Log in here for access. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. Log in or Sign up. Think about all those times you asked your mom why you couldn't do something that you wanted to do, and she simply responded, 'Because I'm your mother, that's why! When writing an evaluative essay, 'because I said so' is not a evaluative essay examples enough argument. Neither is Samantha's answer, 'I dunno, I just liked it more, I guess.

So, how do we put these three elements to work to make an evaluative essay that says more than 'Because I said so'? For starters, you will want to include four main components: your introductionsome background informationyour criteriaand your conclusion.

The introduction has a pivotal role in this paper: it gives your overall judgment in the form of a thesis statement. This is where, if you were Samantha, you'd say, 'The engaging plot, relatable characters and believable storyline made Love, Specifically a must see. You'll notice in Samantha's new thesis, she not only tells you whether or not she thought it was a good movie, which was her overall judgment, she gives you some specific reasons, or criteria, evaluative essay examples, why she thought it was a evaluative essay examples movie.

This is key to the evaluative essay; evaluative essay examples helps to focus your review. Being as specific as possible helps you formulate an effective evaluation because you're not trying to cover it all: just a few key parts that come together to make your overall judgment.

After establishing your overall judgment and defining your focus, you'll move on to the next key component: background. Before you start giving your opinion on something, people need to have some kind of idea of what you are talking about, evaluative essay examples. In the case of a movie or book review, you'd include a brief summary. For a restaurant review, you'd talk about what kind of food is served and the style of dining.

The background's purpose is twofold: first, it helps the reader get on the same page and understand exactly what you are reviewing. Second, it helps establish the purpose of whatever it is you are evaluating and justify your criteria.

Think about it, romantic comedies are generally geared toward a different audience than artsy, independent films. They often have different goals, too. While a romantic comedy may be made evaluative essay examples for entertainment purposes, the independent film might try to present some sort of commentary on everyday life or evaluative essay examples you consider a new idea or viewpoint.

Or, in the case of a restaurant review, Bob's Burger Stand, a casual, walk-up burger joint would be evaluated using completely different criteria than Merlot Burger, a gourmet, sit-down restaurant that serves Kobe beef burgers marinated in fine wines. Once you've set the focus and given your background, you'll move on to your criteria. In your essay, you should devote at least one paragraph to each criterion.

This way, you have plenty of room to discuss what the criterion is, give your judgment, and present your supporting evidence.

That's right, those three key elements need to live in each paragraph as well as your essay as a whole. So, for Samantha's evaluative essay, evaluative essay examples, each criterion she mentioned in her thesis would have it's own paragraph: the plot, characters, and storyline. For each paragraph, she'd go evaluative essay examples to give her judgment and evidence.

Samantha's paragraph on the plot might sound something like this:. Now that you see how the criteria should be set up, let's talk about a couple of tools that can help make your evidence most effective. One way to present evidence is to use evaluative essay examples or contrast. So, when talking about the characters in the movie, Samantha could compare them to common figures we run into in real life, like the high school jock or girl next door.

She could also contrast them to characters in other movies in the same genre. Another tactic is to play your own devil's advocate. This evaluative essay examples especially helpful if you are presenting an opinion that might be controversial, evaluative essay examples. If it turns out the majority of people thought Love, Evaluative essay examples was an absolute flop, you might list the common reasons why people said the movie fell short and present a counterargument to each one.

In her most effective evaluative essay, Samantha would go on to talk about the other criteria, mixing in the tools we just talked about to make a very convincing argument to go see Love, Specifically. After discussing each of the criteria, she'd present a nice conclusion that restated her overall judgment and gave a quick recap of her reasoning. Ideally, Samantha's essay would be well-organized so that it arrives naturally at this point, evaluative essay examples, and she wouldn't have to start her conclusion with a phrase like, 'In conclusion.

So, to review, an evaluative essay contains three key elements: judgmentcriteria and evidence. These elements are presented using four key essay components: it starts with an introduction that houses a thesis, which gives your overall opinion and focuses your evaluation. Next, background information is included to help your reader understand what it is you are evaluating. Then, paragraphs discuss each of your criteria and present evidence to support your reasoning, evaluative essay examples.

Last, a conclusion wraps up your evaluation and provides closure for your reader. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study. com Member. Create your account. Already a member? Log In. for Teachers for Schools for Working Scholars® for College Credit. Log in. Sign Up. for Working Scholars® for College Credit. Find Courses by Subject Science Math Business Psychology History English Social Science Humanities Spanish Professional Development, evaluative essay examples.

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Transfer Credit All Transfer Credit Find Your School College Courses for Credit Transferring Credit How Evaluative essay examples Works. Lesson Transcript. Instructor: Kelly Roach Show bio Kelly earned her Master of Mass Communication from Arizona State and has taught consumer behavior and communication courses at the undergraduate level. A good evaluative essay helps a writer present an opinion using criteria and evidence.

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Writing an Evaluation Essay

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How to Write an Evaluation Essay (in 7 Steps)

evaluative essay examples

Evaluation Essay Samples. Evaluating a person, place, or thing takes technical understanding. See our samples of evaluation essays to grasp how to evaluate properly within written form. Image-Processing Applications. Living in an age when graphics are gradually overwhelming textual information implies certain changes to people’s psychology (for example, a dramatic An evaluative essay generally speaking, is an individual evaluation which contains an abstract view with providing a justification. For example you watch a movie and then you are asked to evaluate it on the basis of your exposition. The interesting fact about an 23/1/ · Self Evaluation Essay Sample; Student Self- Evaluation Essay; Humanities Project Evaluation Essay; Essay Evaluation Rubric; Evaluation Essay Grading Sheet; As you can see, you can also assess yourself based on certain criteria in order to know your progress and areas for improvement. Usually, the writer is given a set of criteria to base his or her evaluation

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