Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay on monsoon season

Essay on monsoon season

essay on monsoon season

Months of Rainy Season The people of Indian subcontinent refer to rainy season as ‘ monsoon ’. Also, this season last in India for about 3 to four months. Apart from that, in different countries and in different geographical areas the duration of rainy season is not fixed The monsoon season is defined as the heavy rain. Malaysia the monsoon season in usually occurs in October until April. Normally the monsoon season will hit our country, especially in the state east coast of peninsular Malaysia. The land who were on the east coast of Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan Jan 09,  · Essay On Monsoon Season In Words (Essay 1) After the summer season comes the monsoon season. This season comes as a blessing to the mankind after tolerating the scorching heat of the sun for the whole summer season. Monsoon consists of three months namely July, August and September. The temperature during this time remains Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins

Monsoon Season Rainy Days Rain Essay English School Students

Introduction: The monsoon is generally referred to the season of rain. In India, essay on monsoon season, it starts in the middle of June and continues after August.

The sky remains mostly cloudy. How rain is formed? Rain is caused by condensing water vapor in the air. The heat of the sun rays raises the temperature of the water on the earth.

Thus, water starts evaporating and fills vapor in the atmosphere with. This vapor forms the clouds that give us rain. The south-west monsoon wind causes heavy rainfall in India. Sometimes the rain is accompanied with lightning and storms. Enjoyment: The rains provide relief from heat, essay on monsoon season. Youngsters and poets enjoy the season. It is the time for indoor games, story-reading and story-telling.

It is also the season for umbrellas and waterproofs. The temperature remains pleasant during the monsoon. Importance: In India, we get rainfall for around months. The agriculture of our country mainly depends upon water from rainfall. During this season, the ground water is replenished. The wells, lakes, ponds and reservoirs are filled with rain water. Without rain-water, these lands would turn into barren deserts. Every year, we wait for the monsoon forecast from the weather department.

Our heart gets filled with joy when we get the news of adequate monsoon. Rain is of immense value to the cultivators. The greatest boon of the monsoon is the rich cultivation of crops. The tillers of land sow the seeds or plants as soon the rain makes the fields soft. Constant natural watering leads to their quick growth. During the period of adequate monsoon, we get good agricultural output.

But in cases of floods, the crops go under the water and are destroyed. Problems: During monsoon season, people also face many difficulties. However, heavy down-pours choke the drains of the cities. The drainage system in our country is not adequate to drain away the rain-water completely.

The ditches besides the roads start overflowing. Water logging causes severe traffic jam in most of the cities. People are not able to move out due to water logging. The rivers and lakes overflow their banks, and many villages are flooded. The condition of flood in slum areas badly affects the life of poor people. Land transport essay on monsoon season communication system is suspended in many essay on monsoon season. In such conditions, small boats become the means of transportation at villages.

Excessive rainfall is injurious to crops. The prices of food-stuffs go up during the rainy season, essay on monsoon season. Conclusion: Like everything in life, timely monsoon is most welcome. However, excessive or inadequate rainfall leads to scarcity and famine.

Adequate rainfall during the sowing seasons ensures good harvest. If it is very essay on monsoon season, plants and trees are badly affected. The soil gets too essay on monsoon season and cracks up in the heat. On the other hand, if the monsoon continues for too long, it leads to various diseases. In such cases the joys of autumn are also spoiled. Rainy season or Monsoon is a time of the year when the region experiences the maximum amount of rainfall.

As a season, it occurs only in some regions. Others experience rains throughout the year or little rain. Rain comes with great excitement to all. During the hot summers, the mention of rain brings cheers and excitement to people. Rain refreshes the mind of people greatly but also a reminder of the challenges it poses to the populace such as mud on the roads as well as flooding in essay on monsoon season quarters.

Many countries essay on monsoon season the Indian Ocean experience a rainy season brought in by the Monsoon winds, essay on monsoon season, The South East Asian countries, and India have a monsoon season lasting a few months after summer. The southwest monsoon season in India extends over a period of around months.

The cool and wet nature of a monsoon season brings a pleasant feeling to the people. The animals dance in wild celebrations since the foliage and grass blossoms to a spectacular site. The fruits and other crops grow spectacular. The children are not left behind as they play in the mud and enjoy by creating fun and games. Several regions in India experience heavy thunderstorms during this period. The season experiences a lot of rains, and the conditions of the roads are left in pathetic states especially in the rural and remote areas.

Structures that are not properly constructed are damaged, and some dams give in to the force of the raging floods, essay on monsoon season. Motorists and their cars are swept by the floods thus endangering their lives. The flow of traffic in some cities and towns is interrupted due to the water-logged streets. Most cultures with a rainy season look forward to it for the crops to grow.

Also since rains provide an immediate reprieve from the heat of the summer, this season it romanticized. A lot of poetry and folk songs are based on rains and the rainy season.

As with all other seasons, essay on monsoon season, the monsoon or rainy season has importance on common lives. The rainy season brings fond memories to people as brings an equal share of fortunes and challenges. Prior preparations for the season and its unforeseen perils should be in the mind of everyone. Skip to main content Skip to secondary menu Skip to primary sidebar Skip to footer Home About History Important India Categories TOU Contact Us.

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Essay on Monsoon season

, time: 8:57

My Favorite Season Essay | Monsoon Essay In English [+ Words]

essay on monsoon season

Dec 21,  · Rainy season in India occurs usually in the months of June to September. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are the first part of India to receive rainfall. Rainy season in India is cause due to the Monsoon winds blowing over the Indian Ocean, carrying with it, the rains clouds as it moves. In the mainland, Kerala is the first to receive blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Months of Rainy Season The people of Indian subcontinent refer to rainy season as ‘ monsoon ’. Also, this season last in India for about 3 to four months. Apart from that, in different countries and in different geographical areas the duration of rainy season is not fixed Oct 12,  · It is also known as the wet season because, during this period, there is a lot of rain in the entire country. What Is Monsoon Season. Monsoon is a season which we get to see between summer and winter. In India, Monsoon season starts on 1 st of June when raining seasons start in Kerala. The winds of Monsoon travel from South to North, and that is why it Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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