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Child discipline essay

Child discipline essay

child discipline essay

Sep 02,  · Child discipline is one of the most important elements of successful parenting. Today, many people have this notion that physical abuse is in no way a solution to helping children discern between right and wrong. Since generations children have been taught the art of discipline through physical blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Essay On Discipline A Child. Words 4 Pages. Show More. Discipline is a key part to raising any child. Depending on where people live in the world, there can be different techniques and punishments that are legal for parents to apply to their children. One common way for people to punish children is to “send them to their room” or ground them. Which is metaphorically Essay On Child Discipline Essay On Child Discipline. The term discipline can be defined as to teach knowledge and skills; however, it is often Persuasive Essay On How To Discipline A Child. As Plato once proclaimed, “Do not train a child to

Essay about Child Discipline - Words

Forms of Discipline: What is best for the child? Children are like flowers, if well taken care of they will bloom. If ignored or tortured, they will wither and die. Child discipline is one of the most important elements of successful parenting. Today, many people have this notion that physical abuse is in no way a solution to helping children discern between right and wrong.

Since generations children have been taught the art of discipline through physical punishment. Over the decades we have seen that fewer and fewer parents child discipline essay resorting to this sort of method of violence to discipline their children. However contradictory to all that has been stated, I believe that sometimes parents are caught in a situation when children cross all boundaries of discipline and pking is the only effective solution.

Therefore, it is imperative to do so. Nonetheless, before pking is even taken into consideration; all the other non-violent forms of discipline should be used. If none work then finally the act of pking can be justifiable.

The act of pking is not merely a punishment that should be conducted on a whim by parents; there must be reasoning and evidence of a clear sort of rebellion or revolt that requires such treatment. Hire a subject expert to help you with Child Discipline. However in such a situation I am of the firm belief that dialogue or discussion is not the option that will placate the child discipline essay in the long run.

I feel this approach may only last for a short period of time until the child feels that his or her parents have forgotten the issue and will once again go back on the same path. It made me look at consequences, things kids don't normally think about. I listened when I was told, child discipline essay, and now, I'm grateful I was raised like that because I feel now I am much more respectful to my peers and my elders especially.

There are many parents today who do not know how to use this disciplinary action on their children. They child discipline essay end up excising too much or too little control over their child without giving them a suitable reasoning. Reasoning linked with a pk was also more effective compared with other discipline methods.

Talking with the child about what behavior is expected and why-with the potential of a follow-up pk-worked best, child discipline essay.

Hence, Spank a child only when necessary and in conjunction with reasoning and other forms of discipline.

Reality is a question of perspective; the further you get from it the more plausible it seems. Being raised in a traditional Indian family, Child discipline essay have been exposed to all forms of disciplines depending on the situation.

As a child, I child discipline essay pked when I did something wrong. Being pked taught me respect and kept me in line, child discipline essay. The way my parents disciplined me is an accepted method of punishment back home, child discipline essay. It is only today that I understand the importance of what they did. Hence, there needs to be a limit to how much parents can pk their kids. If the act is carried out on a daily basis, there child discipline essay higher chances of the kid behaving inappropriately behind closed doors, child discipline essay.

At the end of the day these kids get so frustrated of being pked everyday that they end up doing unnecessary things such as lying, cheatingbullying other people behind their parents backs. Hence, it is important for the parents to learn which behaviours deserve a pking.

For instance, spilling water, making noise, wetting-pants are normal behaviours all children tend to pick. They do not need to be pked as these are all age-appropriate behaviours. A key concept of discipline is to identify the behaviour that is typical for the age of the child. Based on the behaviour, parents can then take appropriate actions. For instance, Lisa Berlin, research scientist at the Centre for Child and Family Policy at Duke University says, "We're talking about infants and toddlers, and I think child discipline essay just, cognitively, they just don't understand enough about right or wrong or punishment to benefit from being pked," As Berlin states, it is pointless to pk an infant, however as children grow older and begin to understand the severity of the punishment, a pking is desirable, child discipline essay.

Today, there is a common misconception that pking is a form of child abuse. Some parents are actually afraid to discipline their own children using the same method used for their own upbringing. Who is correct in the notion of right and wrong discipline? Is there such a thing as a correct way to pk your child? In my opinion, there is. So, my objective is to show that there is a fine line between the two terms Spanking and Child abuse. Therefore, parents should not pk their children when they are angry themselves as the pk would turn out to be an unintentional smack.

When this occurs, parents tend to accidently take out their frustration on the child. However, this misconception has led to many unwanted situations where parents have been sent to jail by their own children, child discipline essay. In a general conversation with a waiter at IHOP in Charlottesville, child discipline essay, I got to know that he pked his child twice due to confidential reasons and the child sent his dad, Greg, to the court.

Child discipline essay this way, mild pking is an essential tool to bring the child on the right path of success. after that, child discipline essay, just a warning and a look was child discipline essay they needed to keep in line, because they knew they didn't want one, child discipline essay. All three of my children have told me that they are ashamed of their generation and each have thanked me, at one point or another for those little pks.

Again, I don't mean pain just attention getting and disapproval of their behaviour. It is just the way the parent does it. Love your children more than you pk them, child discipline essay. At the end of the day, child discipline essay, that is all what a child needs in life. Other child discipline essay that, I also carried out my own survey for this essay where I asked fifteen friends their opinion on pking.

Each of them said that they have been pked in at least one circumstance. They all agreed that it is proper to discipline in this way. It is only now after coming to UVA and being so successful they have realized the importance of the punishments their parents used to give them. Hence, their parents took the risk and landed on the safe end where their children are reaching the pinnacle of success. Parents need to take into account all the other forms as well to teach their children right from wrong, child discipline essay.

Parents can inculcate discipline in their child by showing discontent to the unsuitable behaviour of the child. This usually has a lasting effect as they know that if they do it again their parents will be disappointed, which is usually harder to deal with. This type of punishment only gives you more of a guilt feeling and it remains till you are in good terms with your parents again. When parents give that silent treatment, it becomes very hard to live in the same house where parents are not in talking terms with their kids.

Scolding is another form which is widely used all over child discipline essay world, child discipline essay. If it becomes an everyday situation then it may lessen the effect on the child, child discipline essay.

However, if scolding is the only process used then parents need to also praise their children when they do something good as well.

In this way, scolding and praising should be balanced so that children understand the entire concept properly. This is mainly used on young children.

Similarly, excessive scolding or use of time-out does not have the same effect on the child as a one or two time would. Even in this case, age matters as a one year old cannot be asked to sit and listen to a long lecture as they do not have long attention ps. An American mother stated Once the child gets older and as they start experiencing the real world, child discipline essay, child discipline essay tend teach them a lesson by withholding privileges.

When they reach a certain age i. when they are in gradethey start to differentiate precisely between family and friends.

Sometimes as they enter the teenage world, they begin to value friends over family. At this point, parents know that their kids are growing and might go on the wrong path if not taught a lesson at the right time.

For example, if you come home late, you will not be allowed to watch TV for two days. This is usually child discipline essay once the child is old enough to understand. In this way, as they grow older they learn how to make thoughtful decisions. A balanced approach should be used in order to raise the child in the right manner. Child Discipline. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Sep 02, Accessed May 19, comSep Causes and Effects of Child Abuse Child Abuse and Domestic Violence, Listen Causes of Child Abuse Child abuse is primarily a problem within families.

Even though abuse by nonfamily. Should child discipline involved punishment that include spanking or hitting? Is it necessary to spank or not to spank a child as a form of discipline? Some child discipline essay have no. Parents use discipline to teach their children the difference between right and wrong. The type of discipline parents use is entirely up to them but, "ninety percent of parents say. Discipline: Can corporal punishment help child discipline essay children?

Anything from grounding them from things, making them do extra chores, time. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. PhD Essay Family Children Child Discipline Child Discipline. Related Essays Child Discipline Child Discipline. Hire verified expert.

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Essay about Child Discipline - Words | Bartleby

child discipline essay

Sep 02,  · Child discipline is one of the most important elements of successful parenting. Today, many people have this notion that physical abuse is in no way a solution to helping children discern between right and wrong. Since generations children have been taught the art of discipline through physical blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Nov 13,  · Child Discipline Essay Discipline is an important component of the growth process of children (Child Discipline). Since the beginning of time, discipline techniques used have varied with each family Jun 17,  · The first essay is a long essay on the Discipline of words. This long essay about Discipline is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9, and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on the Discipline of words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins

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