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Biopsychosocial essay

Biopsychosocial essay

biopsychosocial essay

The biopsychosocial model describes addiction as a brain illness that causes personality and social problems. The biopsychosocial model lets us to make solid and accurate differences between substance use, abuse, and dependence. It also allows the signs of addiction to be recognized and structured into progressive stages Biopsychosocial vs. Biomedical Model - Running This preview shows page 1 - 3 out of 5 pages. BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL VS BIOMEDICAL MODEL ESSAY In life, when it comes to medical treatment, patients can always surprise us. There is vast legislature in place to protect patient autonomy and their true basic rights as patients. Though providers cannot control the Biopsychosocial Analysis of Case Example This particular case study is about a 23 year old Caucasian American. She is working on her bachelor degree at Appalachian State. This case study will focus on Erikson’s Psychological Theory on how biological, psychological, family, and environmental foundations have shaped the case examples life

Essay: Biomedical and Biopsychosocial Models of Health | 10 pages, Words:

This essay will explain the meaning of biopsychosocial model BPSbiopsychosocial essay, and link it to a particular service user being cared for during placement.

It will also analyse the biopsychosocial factors that influences the health and well-being of the service user and the holistic nursing care that was provided for biopsychosocial essay. In accordance to the Nursing and Midwifery Council NMC guidelinesservice users must have confidence regarding their information being shared amongst healthcare professionals which must not be released to the public without their consent or authorization, biopsychosocial essay.

As a result of this, due to confidentiality act under the Nursing and Midwifery Council NMCthe biopsychosocial essay user will be known as Steve which is a fictitious name. Steve is a 50years old man, who has diagnosis of depression ICD, with long biopsychosocial essay of drug misuse.

He was referred to the Community Mental Health Team CMHT by his general practitioner GP following concerns raised by his wife and daughter regarding his sudden aggressive behavioural change.

When the CMHT biopsychosocial essay with Steve, he appeared unkempt and he could not keep a straight eye contact, biopsychosocial essay. He told the team about his severe low mood which he reported that sometimes it lasts for weeks. His wife told the team about his withdrawn behaviour and how he locks himself in his room complaining about biopsychosocial essay fed up he was about life, biopsychosocial essay.

Steve has long family history of depression, his father and grandfather both committed suicide due to severe depression, biopsychosocial essay. Steve has been unemployed for the biopsychosocial essay three years and according to him he lost his job due to taking plenty time off during his many depressive episodes, he mentioned that he started taking cannabis as a result of his low mood to get him stable, he also made mentioned of having suicide thoughts and ideation at times. In accordance with the World Health Organisation WHO and the Royal College of Psychiatristsdepression is defined as a mood disorder with several explicit indicators, such as loss of interest and pleasure, hopelessness, helplessness, poor concentration, biopsychosocial essay, low self-worth or low self-esteem, being fed up with life, sad, sleep disturbance and also tiredness.

WHO also stated that over million people suffer from depression worldwide. In addition, biopsychosocial essay, Lelja et al. Biopsychosocial essay, the root causes of depression is said to be mostly multi-dimensional.

Engelexplained that the biomedical model focuses mainly on the biological factors and it excludes the psychological, biopsychosocial essay, environmental and social factors. According to Engel a major Critics of the Biomedical model who argued that the model does not inculcate the psychological and behavioural dimensions of ill health, he gave example that the biopsychosocial essay model does not explains why pain do not stop when tissue damage is no longer present in chronic pain or phantom pain.

In accordance with Engelwho emphases that the biopsychosocial model concentrate on good and ill health, and the interaction between the biological hormone changes, evolution, genetic makeup the psychological self-esteem, coping skills, stress, trauma and the social factors cultural expectation, social support, family circumstances, peers. Moreover, biopsychosocial essay, the biopsychosocial model promote the interdependence of the three biopsychosocial essay on one another, For example, with the believe that what affects the mind also affects the body and vice versa, biopsychosocial essay.

Ghaemi a critic of the biopsychosocial model argues that physicians who adopted this model are likely to lose clear boundaries in regards to their knowledge and expertise The Biopsychosocial model was defined by the WHO as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being with the absence of infirmity or disease. However, an imbalance serotonin could lead to mood disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic attacks if not treated.

In addition, Norman and Ryriestated that depressed people are often disturbed with regards to endocrine hormone, immune, and neurotransmitter system functioning in the brain. According to Carlsson et al which stated that there biopsychosocial essay a biological reason for depression, more so, there are some brain chemicals and neural pathways which are responsible for regulating mood.

However, biopsychosocial essay, Norman and Ryrie Stated that the biological causes of depression are related to abnormalities in the delivery of the most important neurotransmitter in depression which is serotonin. In support McGuffin and Kartz stated that depression can run in biopsychosocial essay family gene from one generation passing it to the other, biopsychosocial essay.

According to Zubin and biopsychosocial essay who stated that people who have depression or stress finds it hard to handle the effects of stress efficiently due to the present of norepinephrinergic system. more so, Steve job lost May also be a contributor to his various depressive episodes. Steve is on antidepressant medication Risperdal consta depot IM injection According to the BNF must medications has side effect, the side effects of risperidone are weight gain, drowsiness, stiffness mouth drooling at night, anticholinergic symptoms and constipation BNF biopsychosocial essay During Steve referral appointment with the CMHT for assessment as agreed.

It provided a good opportunity for the team to establish a good rapport which could lead to a therapeutic relationship with him. More so, this will aid his recovery in accordance with the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health NCCMH The lead nurse in the interview explained to Steve his diagnosis, his prescribed medications, and also the side effects he might encounter with the medications.

Steve consented and agreed to take his medication, he promised not to relapse on them. Goodwin et al. However, in accordance with the National Institute of Clinical Excellence NICE on Choice, medication and stress, the lead nurse enlightened Steve with psychoeducation regarding stress and made sure he has insight into his diagnosis. The team continued to visit Steve as agreed by both parties, biopsychosocial essay, during a follow up visit, Steve stated that his mood had improved as he complied with his medication biopsychosocial essay he is sleeping better now but experiencing some side effects like stiffness on his neck.

The side effect was discussed in the multidisciplinary meeting MDTthe consultant prescribed procyclidine for him to reduce his side effects BNF Furthermore, Kemp et al emphases that successful collaboration between nurses and service users leads to valuable approach in improving medication compliance by service users.

According to NICE advice should be provided to service users with depression about their high risk or potential of their agitation, anxiety and suicidal ideation to increase during the initial stages of treatment taking some of their medication.

During our discussion with Steve, the team discovered that the loss of his job which has led to constant argument with his wife made him to believe that he was useless and life was not worth living to him anymore.

However, biopsychosocial essay, during our visit he did not express any further suicidal ideations or intentions all through our assessment. Moreover, Schneider stated that there are three types of thoughts which lead to depression, they are thoughts of inadequate feelings, biopsychosocial essay, believed that all efforts will result in failure and having no hope for the future. As Steve continues to show signs of withdrawal from social activities like he used to, Lewisohn explained the behavioural theory of depression and stated that depression could result from lack of positive re-enforcement of pleasurable and withdrawal from meaningful activities.

The team notice the fact that Steve smokes a lot of cannabis, which he reported he knew, biopsychosocial essay, was not good for him but he uses it as a coping mechanism to deal with his current situation of low mood. Coping mechanisms was classified by Folkman and Moskowitz into two which are, problem-focused coping methods and emotional focused coping methods.

The Problem-focused coping strategies are used when the situation that causes stressful events are perceived to be amendable. While the Emotion-focused coping methods are peculiar in dealing with the effects of stress rather than eliminating or finding solutions to the problem that caused the stress. In regards to his smoking of cannabis, Chylova and Natovova and Chang biopsychosocial essay stated that heavy smoking of cannabis could cause mental health issue like depression and also psychological distress.

According to the NICE guideline stated that combination of medication and psychosocial interventions such as CBT have shown many evidence based results of effective recovery of service users suffering from depression and other mental illnesses. The team discussed with Steve and he agreed to commence on CBT as soon as possible. According to Driessen et althe major goal of CBT is to help service users replace their negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

In addition, biopsychosocial essay, Wykes stated that CBT programme for depressive service user is effective when it corresponds with the symptoms experienced by the service user.

After having some session of CBT Steve reported that he was quite happy with his progress of improvement and that he can now replace his negative thought with positive thoughts. Steve was also thought some coping skills during his CBT programme to distract his suicide ideation, biopsychosocial essay, such as watching TV, reading books, listening to biopsychosocial essay music and many others. Also Family Intervention is necessary as Steve lives with his family and as they are the first point of contact with him, biopsychosocial essay, they can identify early signs of biopsychosocial essay in his mental state and offer support through reassurance before help comes.

Steve was given necessary Leaflets and useful telephone numbers to our biopsychosocial essay of hours contact line and relevant services to avoid relapse regarding his mental health condition. Biopsychosocial essay the initial assessment the team was able to identify other social factors which affecting him and led to his depression such as job lost.

In accordance with Lloyd a care plan was written in collaboration with Steve, taking into consideration his long-term goals and social needs and unemployment statues, biopsychosocial essay, Thus, Applebyemphases that financial, employment, biopsychosocial essay, social networks and housing were equally important in the treatment of mental health problems as were the biological and psychologically previously concentrated on by medical professionals.

Brown and Birley stated that people can also be depressed because of social factors such as, divorce, experiencing traumatic situations, biopsychosocial essay, marriage separation and unemployment. In Accordance with Meltzer and Stanfeldresearch report shows that stress can be triggered on and off, biopsychosocial essay, causing changes in brain functioning through social stressor which can lead to a physical cause of depression.

Roger and Pilgrim and NICEbiopsychosocial essay stated that unemployment and lack of provision of good accommodation could lead to social isolation by service users and this could lead to depression. Furthermore, there are some social factors that affect mental health which are: socioeconomic status, culture, religion and technology, biopsychosocial essay. After Steve lost his job he became low in mood and he took to taking cannabis as a coping mechanism for his depressive mood.

This made him aggressive to his wife and children. These social factors placed Steve at risk of stress and contributed abundantly to his development of physical health issues. Steve lacks self-esteem and with very limited support from his family as he has become aggressive to them, so prefers to be alone in his room.

The nursing intervention agreed by the team in collaboration with Steve was both short and long-term, the team planned to support him to win his family back through counselling and support groups before thinking of the option of seeking employment. Allicock et al emphases that family support has a positive effect on service users recovery journey, through offering positive emotional support such as helping them book an appointment with their GP and driving them to meet up for their scheduled appointment, biopsychosocial essay.

In contrast, Vilsbal et al. Moreover, biopsychosocial essay, Shawon et al. In conclusion, according to Huh and Ackerman biopsychosocial model empower mental health professional to support service users using all aspects their life. It emphases that the biological, psychological and sociological factors influence their lives by contributing to their overall recovery journey through offering a holistic way of care.

Implementing a One-on-One Peer Support Program for Cancer Survivors Using a Motivational Interviewing Approach: Results biopsychosocial essay Lessons Learned. Journal of Cancer Education?

And Robertson, biopsychosocial essay, D. Maidenhead: Open University Press Beck, A. and Emery, G. Cognitive Therapy of Depression. New York: Guilford Press Biopsychosocial essay British National Formulary BNF March. London: Pharmaceutical Press Carlsson, biopsychosocial essay, A. British Journal of Psychiatry sup. Smoking and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes ; Metabolism Journal, 36 6biopsychosocial essay, and Natovova, L.

Journal of Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, 5 3 Driessen, E. The efficacy of cognitive-behavioural therapy and psychodynamic therapy in the outpatient treatment of major depression: a randomized clinical trial. American Journal of Psychiatry Engel, G. The need for a new scientific model: A Challenge for Biomedicine. Engel, G, biopsychosocial essay. The need for a new scientific model: A challenge for biomedicine.

Psychodynamic Psychiatry. and Moskowitz, J. Annual Review of Psychology, 55, pp. Ghaemi, S. The rise and fall of biopsychosocial essay biopsychosocial model. The British Journal of Psychiatry. Goodwin, I.

What is the Biopsychosocial Model and why is it important?

, time: 1:34

What is the Biopsychosocial Model? - Definition & Example - Video & Lesson Transcript |

biopsychosocial essay

The biopsychosocial model accentuate the importance of interacting and understanding the patient as a unique individual taking onto consideration their belief system in a moderate way that neither concentrate on the biomedical aspects or psychosocial aspects but rather illustrate their relationship together (Jones et al., ) This essay will also give you the definitions of biopsychosocial. What three factors does the biopsychosocial (BPS) model propose play a significant role in human functioning? The three factor According to Gardland, E () Model 3 [class handout] “the biopsychosocial model(Engel,) is a general model or approach that states that biological, psychological Jan 01,  · This biopsychosocial model allows physicians to explain diagnostic conditions, such as depression for example, by examining all of the relevant contributing biological, psychological, and social factors. Concerning depression specifically, classic clinical medicine often finds that individuals have endocrine, immune or neurotransmitter malfunctions

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