· In my opinion, the thing we don’t want according to the present social, finance, and politic circumstances is that the legal drinking age starts from year old, and I will explain why. All advocates of drinking age increase explain that these measures Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins One topic that has a lot of notoriety all throughout the United States is the legal drinking age. Some argue that it should remain at twenty-one years old while others push for reducing it to eighteen and this has even caused some controversy. Many countries have the age at eighteen Arguments supporting the legal drinking age being set at 21 include: letting the brain fully develop before exposing it to damaging effects of excessive alcohol use, keeping those aged in a safe environment, and reducing traffic deaths for those under 21
Argumentative Essay On Should The Alcohol Drinking Age Be Increased Or Decreased | WOW Essays
We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Argumentative Essay. Topic: LawDrugsSociologyDrinkingDrunk DrivingDrivingAlcoholAlcoholism. In our world exist a lot of things one should be concerned about to keep his or her body and mind fit and to be healthy.
These include GM food, smoking, environment, and, of course, alcohol. In mass media we can meet intensive debates about the abovementioned issues. Among these problems alcohol is one of the most widespread and widely discussed because this substance is in free access. You can buy it almost in every shop. The good thing is that every civilized country has its own alcohol drinking age established by a law and shop assistants are argumentative essay on drinking age allowed to sell such substances to those who under the drinking age.
On that basis argumentative essay on drinking age main point of this essay is to show the advantages and disadvantages of increasing or decreasing of drinking age and prove why one is better than the other. All advocates of drinking age increase explain that these measures will help to deal with such problem as drunk driving. If people are not allowed to drink when they are under 21, the number of car accidents will go down; that is how they think.
According to this point, I partly agree with advocates, but it seems to be that they completely forget to look into this problem more deeply. It is more likely about the combination of circumstances drunk drivers are living with. It can, for example, check candidates for driving licenses more thoroughly via special psychological tests and conversations. Moreover, government may spend some extra money on social and human services development in order to perform control over the troubled families and try to argumentative essay on drinking age negative influence on children received from their relatives.
These are only two examples, and there is a whole bunch of others concerning social issues that show us that drinking age is only the smallest part of this puzzle. The researches of Prof. Engs confirm this statement. According to Engs, researches in USA from s until present time showed that the number of cases involving drunk driving, as well as per capita consumption of the argumentative essay on drinking age have decreased.
All this started in and the new alcohol purchase law was adopted in The decrease of drinking and car accidents is appeared to be the outcome of many factors and not just the rise of drinking age. These include: education concerning drunk driving, designated driver programs, increased seat belt and air bag usage, safer automobiles, lower speed limits, free taxi services from drinking establishments, etc.
A lot of people believe that increasing of drinking age or even prohibition of alcohol will help to reduce the consumption of it. It only caused other social problems and raise of bootlegging. Engs calls this a forbidden fruit, a badge of rebellion against authority and a symbol of adulthood Engs. If person has a right to drink since 18, he or she probably will do this in small quantities and from time to time.
The great example is Holland where the number of drug addicts is very low though soft drugs are legalized. Another interesting fact about Holland is that government allows using soft drugs only in special places. Engs believe that young adults should be allowed to drink in controlled environments Engs.
At the age of 18 young people are allowed to join military forces where they risk their lives on the battlefields and kill other argumentative essay on drinking age. At this age youth are legal to get married and take responsibility for committed crimes.
I would like to end this essay with the words of Prof. Engs, Ruth. html Harold, G. We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it, argumentative essay on drinking age. Just fill out the removal request form with all necessary details, such as page location and some verification of you being a true owner.
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Jake's Argument Essay
, time: 2:37The Minimum Drinking Age Essays | WOW Essays

One topic that has a lot of notoriety all throughout the United States is the legal drinking age. Some argue that it should remain at twenty-one years old while others push for reducing it to eighteen and this has even caused some controversy. Many countries have the age at eighteen Studies conducted on young people aged 20 to 29 years described in many underage drinking essays showed that with the intake of alcoholic drinks, the ability to gain knowledge drastically decreases. Spirits influence the thinking functions of immature people much more than of matures Drinking Age The drinking age was moved from 18 to 21 for a reason. The higher drinking age of 21 has saved many lives, helped reduce the amount of underage drinking, and therefore should not be lowered. Many studies from a large variety of sources have proven higher drinking ages
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